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Dany Wolf – Totulpentruhristos
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O minune in tramvai




O minune in tramvai

 Poate uneori nu dăm importanţă acţiunilor minore, dar dacă Îl lăsăm pe Dumnezeu să ne lumineze mintea noastră, vom putea vedea că El le pregătește toate faptele bune pe care le facem, mai dinainte, ca să putem umbla prin ele.

Megeam odată în anul 2009 (primul an în România) cu soţul meu (Doru Herdean) la o Soră în Domnul la spital s-o vizităm. Era o zi ploioasă și ne întorceam de la spital cu tramvaiul spre casă. (eram în preajma sărbătorilor de Paște) Când să mă așez jos pe un scaun in tramvai, am văzut că sunt toate ude de la ploaie. Atunci, am hotărât să le șterg pe cele două scaune pentru mine și soţul, apoi să-i ofer soţului să șteargă cu un șerveţel și scaunele din faţă pentru cei care mai doresc să stea jos.

În timp ce ștergea soţul meu scaunele, o femeie bătrână care discuta cu o altă doamnă din tramvai, s-a uitat la noi și-a exclamat : ,,Doamne, dar cine se mai gândește în ziua de azi să facă un bine și sunteţi chiar tineri ! “Mirându-se de noi, a intrat în discuţie cu soţul meu și spunea cât este de necăjită cu sora ei care zace în pat de multă vreme și are piciorul stâng tăiat. Această bătrână din tramvai avea vârsta de 78 ani și îngrijea în casa ei pe sora ei care era mai în vârstă de 86 ani. Își dorea pentru sora ei un cărucior ca să o poată plimba și să stea în el prin casă.

Această conversaţie în tramvai a fost destul de scurtă , doar ascultând-o vedeam suferinţa ei și dorinţa de a fi ajutată. Am mers doar câteva staţii cu acel tramvai și această bătrână a trebuit să coboare, dar înainte de a coborâ, noi am întrebat-o cum o cheamă, să ne dea un număr de telefon de-al ei și i-am spus să se roage la Dumnezeu care poate va face o minune ca să-i rezolve problema aceasta. A coborât această bătrână (Doamna Miliţa) și apoi la următoarea staţie am coborât și noi. Ajungând acasă, ne gândeam cum vom putea noi, să ajutăm această femeie? Ne gândeam să strângem bani pentru a cumpăra acest Cărucior, ne gândeam la mai multe variante, dar toate acestea I le-am spus Lui Dumnezeu… Singurul Care Face Minuni !

După câteva zile, soţul meu discutând cu păstorul Remus Runcan, a aflat că ar fi o modalite de a-i putea oferi acstei doamne un cărucior. După trei săptămâni, am fost sunaţi de păstorul Remus care ne-a informat ca să vină soţul meu să aleagă două cărucioare frumoase pentru doamna și pentru cine vom mai găsi noi să ajutăm. Am fost atât de bucuroși…abia așteptam să o anunţăm…eram nerabdatori să vedem reacţia și bucuria lor ! În tot acest timp , noi ne rugăm pentru o rezolvare și Domnul a făcut ca această problemă să fie rezolvată !

Am sunat pe numarul de telefon primit, am pus câteva întrebări acestei doamne la început :” Doamna Miliţa din tramvai, mă mai cunoașteţi? Sunt tânăra cu șerveţelul. Doamna-,,Da, vă mai cunosc, Bunul Dumnezeu să vă fie cu voi!’’ Ce mai faceţi? Aţi primit acel cărucior? Doamna-“Nu l-am primit, am tot întrebat la primarie și n-au putut să mă ajute, am întrebat la popa și nici el nu a putut să mă ajute”… ,,Dar, la Dumnezeu a-ţi apelat? Credeţi că El ar putea să vă ajute? ’’ Doamna-“Da, m-am rugat la Bunul Dumnezeu și numai știu ce să fac”… “Uite, Doamna Miliţa, ne-am rugat și noi pentru dumneavoastră și Dumnezeu a hotărât să vă dea ASTAZI UN CĂRUCIOR! Doamna- “Vai, da cum să mă ajute așa Dumnezeu”… și plângea, nu mai știa ce să spună! Terminând conversaţia în câteva ore am fost la dânsa în faţa casei cu acel cărucior.

Nu se poate explica în cuvinte Bucuria acestei femei, care plângea și ne pupa până sus la ea în casă. Când am pășit în camera celeilalte doamne ( Doamna Lubiţa), cea bolnavă care stătea de multă vreme în pat, a început să plângă văzând căruciorul și pe noi intrând la ea în cameră… “Îngerii lui Dumnezeu”, spunea dânsa, a-ţi venit să mă ajutaţi! Plângând împreună cu ea, am sărutat-o și am discutat cu ea mult. Am pus-o în căruţ și am plimbat-o în cameră! Era uitată de lume și tare disperată. Ne-am rugat cu ea în acea zi și i-am oferit Biblia Copiiilor ca să citească.

Am plecat în acea zi de acolo, bucuroși și tare mulţumitori lui Dumnezeu pentru acest lucru. De atunci, am început să ţinem legătura prin telefon cu aceste 2 doamne Miliţa și Lubiţa ( sunt de naţionalitate sârbă) și să le vizităm des, aducându-le copilașii noștrii pentru a le cânta și înviora la bătrâneţe. Le-am adus Biblii la amândouă, le-am adus “Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu pentru astazi” și le-am oferit literatură creștină cât am putut.

Doamna Lubiţa (cea bolnavă) următoarea zi după ce a primit căruciorul, s-a îmbolnăvit și mai tare așa încât nu putea să mai stea sus. Deci, nu s-a folosit de cărucior o perioadă mai lungă, dar stand în pat întinsă, ea a citit cu drag Scriptura, toate cărţile pe care le aduceam și era atât de absorbită, încât sora ei nici nu mai putea vorbi cu dânsa.

Am văzut prin acest lucru, că Domnul s-a folosit de o simplă Unealtă (căruciorul) ca să poată pătrunde la această inimă disperată pe patul de boală. Ea a îndrăgit atât de mult Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu încât începea să memorize de acolo multe și să le redea cu atâta bucurie. Mergeam la ea, citeam Biblia cu ea, ne rugam și cântam și îl simţeam pe Domnul prezent acolo. După o perioda, ea s-a simţit mai bine, și a dorit să fie scoasă afară cu căruciorul. Nu pot să descriu în cuvinte prima ei ieșire…deoarece este ceva care trebuia văzut…faţa unei femei care iși dorea să vadă Soarele… ne punea sa-i așezăm căruciorul la soare și să stăm cu ea de vorbă din Biblie.

Era așa de fericită! “Îngerii lui Dumnezeu”, ne numea dânsa, “m-aţi făcut atâta de fericită!” Ne plimbam cu ea prin parc, cântam mergând ea și îi spuneam: “Tanti Lubiţa, dumneavoastră ve-ţi merge înaintea noastră în Cer!” Ea plângea și spunea că ea crede în Isus Fiul lui Dumnezeu și ea crede că e mântuită. De mai multe ori am întrebat-o dacă l-a primit pe Domnul în inima ei și ea spunea că s-a rugat și L-a chemat să locuiască în inima ei. Nu a vrut să fie botezată, dar credem că L-a avut pe Domnul în inima ei…o auzeam cum se ruga și iși cerea iertare de păcate și ne spunea ea… Toata viaţa mea, am lucrat pe vapor cu soţul meu și nu am Crezut în Dumnezeu! Nu m-a interesat de Biblie, nu am avut timp de biserică, când venea vreo pocăită la mine o trimiteam la distanta de mine, pentru că eram prea ocupată! Atât de mult plângea și repeta trecutul ei, viaţa ei fară Dumnezeu și vedea că Dumnezeu înainte de moarte a vrut să-I mai ofere o șansă… șansă de a fi Salvată!

Tanti Lubiţa, s-a îmbolnăvit din nou destul de tare, veneam la ea și uneori nu se mai trezea din cauza medicamentelor tari pentru calmarea durerilor, dar dormea liniștită, pașnică, parcă așteptând să moară. Noi am plecat într-o călătorie în America și în acel timp ea a decedat și a rămas doar Doamna Miliţa (sora ei) singură, distrusă. Este atât de important să răspundem chemării Domnului și să mai salvăm suflete chiar și pe patul morţii…printr-o scurtă călătorie cu tramvaiul, Dumnezeu a salvat un Suflet Pierdut!!!

Slujitor al Domnului, Ronela Herdean, Totul pentru Hristos.

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The first confirmation from God to our calling in Romania!

The first year, after we got to Romania, in 2008, I prayed to God that for at least one soul to return to Him and then all the effort of our moving to Romania would be worth it! God heard my prayer and while my wife and I were getting ready to help church Maranata with the preparations for the Festival of Hope, we were discussing that we should be open for any soul even before this festival. God can save a lost soul at any time! Collaborating from the start with church Maranata, God had put in our hearts to open the gates of this church, twice a week and ask children from around the neighborhood to come to play on the slides and swings. They were coming with their parents and grandparents, and we gave the adults the Holy Bible, and to the children The Children’s Bible
Many times we put on Christian songs that were heard all around the park. That way God drew closer a special soul for two weeks around the fence of the church; he was coming closer to hear these songs, but didn’t have the courage to get in. Two weeks passed by, and then church Maranata started to get ready for this Festival of Hope, to give out flyers around the neighborhood, us and a few other couples.

 The first day we gave out flyers, there was a Tuesday afternoon, and we went to the church to get the invitations ready. I was in the church, counting the invitations, when, at the gates, there was a man that wanted something. My wife saw him from the window and I decided to go to the gate and see what’s it all about. When I got there, he said:  “Good evening, I do not believe in God! I want to come inside this chapel ( church ) to look if he exists. Can I enter dressed like this? ”  ( because he was homeless ).Shocked, I answered: “Good evening, God does exist, He loves you, you are valuable in His eyes,you can enter just as you are, because God does not look neither at the face nor at the clothing, but at the heart. Come with me so I will pray for you.” ( I answered him ).

            We both entered the church, he told us that he’s homeless, that he doesn’t have a job and that he would like us to pray for his faith. In the church there was another young man and we all decided to pray for him. After we prayed, we asked him what can he work. He told us that he can work as a constructor and right then I knew that a friend from church is CEO at a constructions company. When I told the name of this CEO, Flavius, he entered the church, without calling him or something like that. It was Tuesday evening, and we didn’t expect that.

            For this young soul, it was a great wonder, and I told him:  “See? God does exist. I didn’t even call this man, but god sent him here for you to believe that He exists.” I gave the man The Holy Bible as a gift and told him that this Scripture can change his life. As a sign of trust for the job, we decided to meet again with him Sunday morning to chat with him a little more.

           The man left with the Scripture in his hand and… Where to go? Back on the street where he lived lonely and hopelessly. Sunday morning, my family and I came to the church and I was surprised to see him on one of the chairs. He introduced himself to everyone because it was the first time he went to the church’s sermon. His name was Leontin.

            AAfter the sermon ended, he spoke with pastor Remus Runcan and he came again that afternoon ( at the afternoon sermon ). After it ended, I told him to wait for me in the park out side the church. When I was done in the church, I went to him. When we started talking, he said: “ Mr. Doru, I want to give my life to God”. Surprised by that, I asked: “What made you decide on this matter?“The Bible, he answered, the Scripture, if you wouldn’t have given it to me, I wouldn’t be here today!”

            I was surprised to hear that in 5 days, after he got the Scripture, he read almost all the New Testimony. He realized he’s a sinner, and he read that he can still be forgiven. He wanted to pray with me on the bench, but he didn’t know how and I said that he can give his life right there, on that bench. So he prayed with me and he gave his life to God forever. After he left that evening, he still had a cigar pack in his pocket, and he threw it in the trash bin. When he was young, he was drinking and smoking two packs of cigars a day.

            God gave this soul the chance to be free of everything, and that day ( it was my birthday ), God gave me the most beautiful gift: a soul. And he was the same age with me. I was so happy, I couldn’t believe what was happening; I didn’t preach, I only gave away a Scripture at the right time, and it changed a life.

The next day in the morning, an hour early when I met with him for the job, I called that CEO to tell him he wonder and ask if he has a job for him. He was happy to hear about the wonder, but he didn’t have anything to work. After an hour, 5 minutes before meeting with this man, I received a call from this Ceo, which happily asked me where is that man because he needs him at 9AM. I told Leo and in that moment, God gave him a job.

            In the evening, when he was about to go there, the CEO heard that Leo didn’t have a place to stay, he offered him a bachelor’s room. Leo was so happy… God gave him eternal life, and the next day, God offered him a job and a place to stay. It’s wonderful to see God’s work!

            From that day on, Leo’s life changed: his behavior, his language, his actions, and he always was reading the Bible with passion. The CEO was impressed, because he was the first at the job and he was the most hard-working of them all. When I visited him a couple of days later, I was surprised to see Bible versed everywhere: on the pillow, on the window, over the sink, all across the room I saw only Bible verses. He desperately wanted to know more from the Scripture and he already read a lot.

             God changed Leo and offered him another destiny, a new family in the Lord, because he was an orphan: his mom and dad died when he was little ( because of the alcohol), he had 6 brothers and sisters. He grew up in an orphanage and then lived on the streets. He his last period of time in Brașov and there he tried to suicide for 3 times.

            He was an atheist, he didn’t believe that God can possibly exist when in his life there was so much unfairness. Desperately, he tried to take a whole bunch of meds, but God didn’t want him to die.

            He tried again, because he didn’t have any money, food or a place to stay. This time, he wanted to cut his wrists, and he failed; God didn’t want to lose him.

            The third time, he was so sure that his plan will work that he prepared a rope on a tree to hang himself. The branch broke. Angry, he realized that he can’t take his life… he realized that there is something supernatural.

            After a long search, he decided to leave Brașov, going by train. There were two trains: One for Timișoara, and one for Bucharest. God decided that he would get in the one that was going to Timișoara. He heard that there is more faith, so he went looking.

            The first two weeks in Timișoara, he went around Bega until he reached the park near Maranata. In the evening, he slept near Bega, but God attracted him back to that place. In that park he met me ( Doru ), I really said hi to him ( so he says ) and my smile gave him hope to follow me ( he thought I was the pastor of the church ) and to approach me.

             It’s wonderful to see how God works and how he changes everything! After he gave his life to God, he attended a catechesis course, and the he got baptized in church Maranata, where he still is a member.

            We are happy for him and we still are amazed that God kept him near for merely 3 years, and never left him alone! It’s wonderful to leave ourselves as instruments in His hand and see what God can do!

          Doru Herdean

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Eram în primul an de misiune (2008), când am venit în Romania și ne pregăteam pentru Festivalul Speranței ca să facem cât mai multă reclamă în acea zona. Dumnezeu ne-a pus pe inimă să facem 2 lucruri diferite pentru zona aceea: seri de filme (pentru adulți) și teatru de păpuși (ptr. copii), în aer liber, în parcul Pădurice de lângă biserica Maranata.
Ne-am hotărât să facem 3 sâmbete la rând reclamă în acel parc: dimineața pentru copilașii din zonă (le făceam teatru de păpuși, îi învățam, versete biblice + cântări, apoi ne jucam cu ei) și seară, pentru adulții din parc puneam scaune în mijlocul parcului, cântam câteva cântări și-apoi proeactam câte-un film evanghelistic.
Eram așa de fericiți că putem sluji Domnului prin această modalitate și făceam totul cu atâta pasiune! De câte ori ajungeam acasă, mă rugam Domnului ca să atingă inimi și să nu fie nimic în zadar. Domnul lucre într-un mod puternic și la copii și la adulți. În ultima sâmbătă, înainte de Festival, am avut la teatru de păpuși acest verset de memorat: “Căci despărțiți de mine, nu puteți face nimic” Ioan. Eu mă străduiam să-I învăț pe copii și le tot repetam ca să-l memoreze copilașii aceștia, erau însoțiți în parc de părinții sau bunicii lor.
Când am ajuns în acea sâmbătă acasă, mă rugam Domnului ca să fii intrat aceste versete în inima celor ce îi însoțeau pe acești micuți. Seara, am proectat ultimul film înainte de Festival și înainte de a începe să cântăm acolo, m-am dus printre rânduri să salut spectatorii din seara aceea. Am fost surprinsă, deoarece am întâlnit o Doamnă tânără cu o fetiță care au participat și la teatru de păpuși. M-am bucurat să o revăd, am discutat puțin cu ea, i-am cerut numărul de telefon, numele ei și al fetiței (ca să mă pot ruga pentru ele), apoi le-am oferit o invitație la biserica Maranata din acel parc.
Ea mi-a răspuns că se simte bine în preajma noastră, îmi mulțumește de invitație, dar nu-mi promite când v-a veni la biserică. Am plecat cu acel număr de telefon și am început să mă rog pentru ea. Următoarea săptămână a fost Festivalul Speranței, unde s-au predate multe suflete și au ieșit în față pe stadion.
Acele persoane au completat niște chestionare și bisericile din zona lor aveau datoria să le contacteze. Așa s-a făcut că bis. Maranata a avut o listă mare cu multe personae care trebuia cineva să se ocupe de ele.
Pastorul Remus Runcan , al bis. Maranata, a hotărât să ne dea nouă (mie și lui Doru) acea listă ca să putem suna oamenii la telefon și să ne întâlnim cu ei pentru un studiu biblic. Când am primit acea listă, m-am rugat Domnului și i-am spus: “Doamne, te rog să ne arați și să-mi confirm de ce mi-ai oferit această sarcină…” În primul rând, i-am notat pe toți pe o listă pentru mine personal și vedeam că sunt foarte mulți. Vroiam să mă rog pentru fiecare din ei.
Am început să telefonăm pe fiecare în parte și eu și Doru, mai multe zile la rând. Într-o zi, soțul meu sunând pe cineva la telefon, mă anunță că are o mare surpriză pentru mine și să vin cât pot de repede… Era acea Doamană din parc, care fusese la Film și Teatru de Păpuși. Am început să discut cu ea și să aud că acel verset de la teatru de păpuși (“Căci despărțiți de mine, nu puteți face nimic.”) din Evanghelia după Ioan a urmărit-o mereu la lucru şi acasă. Eu mă străduiam să-I învăț pe copilaşi, iar ea l-a auzit şi a marcat-o.
Mi-a mai spus că a fost la Festivalul Speranței şi i-a plăcut foarte mult, că s-a predate Domnului şi vrea să vină de acum la biserică. A început să citească Evanghelia după Ioan după Festival şi a dat din nou peste acel verset care a marcat-o. Şi-a dat seama că fără Dumnezeu, ea nu v-a putea face nimic!!!
Aşa a început relația mea să crească cu această Doamnă, Alina, care am descoperit-o apoi că este de vârsta mea şi să văd că se împrieteneşte fetița ei Rebeca, cu fetițele mele. A frecventat apoi mult biserica şi peste săptămână, mă întâlneam cu ea la studierea Bibliei, o încurajăm şi ne rugam împreună. După o perioadă de vreme, ea s-a hotărât să facă un curs de caticheză la biserică, dar nu era hotărâtă să facă un legământ în apa botezului. A mai mers şi la bis. Ortodoxă din zona ei şi era uneori descurajată să nu facă acest pas , că nu e bine să-şi schimbe religia.
Mă rugam pentru ea mult şi o încurajam să facă acest pas, deoarece e foarte important legământul cu Dumnezeu. Ea a ezitat o perioadă, şi tot se ruga ca Domnul să-I descopere ce trebuie să facă. Odată, mergând la biserică, ea vine bucuroasă la mine și mă întreabă dacă pot să o ajut cu o rochie de botez, că s-a hotărât să facă acest legământ cu Domnul. Ce mare bucurie am avut în sufletul meu, să știu că nu a renunțat în ciuda tuturor barierelor pe care le-a avut… m-am bucurat să aflu apoi că Dumnezeu i-a descoperit foarte clar că trebuie să facă pasul și în apă și era atât de fericită!
E minunat să-L vedem pe Dumnezeu cum schimbă viețile unor oameni din preajma noastră și vedem cum El oferă un alt destin celor ce își deschid toată inima! Ea de atunci nu a mai fost singură… deși era divorțată de bărbatul ei, mutată recent în Timișoara, nu prea avea prieteni și avusese un trecut foarte dureros, Domnul a hotărât ca la vremea potrivită de El să-I salveze viața și să-I aducă multă fericire… fericirea pe care numai El o poate da!!!
Ronela Herdean

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Minune pe Calea Aradului

A while ago, I’ve met a woman begging on CALEA ARADULUI Street, sorrowful, hungry, widow for 20 years and injured 10 years ago on the left foot (where even now you can see a continuous pus flowing slowly). She does not have pension, nor children, she simply has nobody. She’s living only from begging and she is 68 years old. After hearing from a sister in Christ about this woman, me and my wife finally found her walking towards REAL supermarket on Calea Aradului, in Timisoara. We stopped the car near her and tried to get to know her and see where she lives. She was hungry that day, and just came from the doctor. She’s been offered a cup of coffee on empty stomach (it was about noon time). We arrived where Ms. Ileana lives and discovered that she lives in a common courtyard with many other families. She has 2 little, poor looking rooms, without toilet or shower. She’s using only one room: this room needs serious repairing, cleaning, so that it can be used for living in. Then..we entered in her room (for the first time), we were scared how many flies were living with Ms Ileana. It was dirty, a heavy stench and it was obvious: this lady has a great need of help. Next time we came to see her and help her with food and to spray that room, so that we could get rid of the flies, then we left. Then again we came in a Sunday afternoon with a youth group to visit her bringing again aliments + food for the soul. We prayed with her, sang with our children and the others, then we spread some candies to the children from the common courtyard. We gave books (The Word of God for Today) to adults, talked to the neighbors and finally made a prayer. This was the first meeting inside this courtyard. We continued to visit this old lady, clean her room for 2 days in-a-row. First day 3 people worked together and we realized there is a lot to do in this place. Next day, my wife, Ronela, and another person washed Ileana’s clothes, blankets, etc..for the whole day. Then next time we were there with another youths group, together with our brother Dan Ursu, who started to invite them to the Pentecostal church in Covaci, a nearby village. We sang that day, prayed with them and the Gospel was preached in a simple way so that they could understand. There were a neighbors gathered there, they seemed interested, but others quickly left. This was the 2nd meeting in her courtyard! Another day (Saturday), also for the whole day, 2 youths from different churches in Timisoara decided to come and help. One of them knew her. We went to beautifully paint the walls and to remake the room, so, putting all her things outside, with the help of The Lord we succeeded in making a new room, with a good smell, a clean carpet, a comfortable mattress + other things. The neighbors were moved seeing us so often there and doing many practical actions to our new friend, Ms Ileana. The next day, on Sunday, we went there again to sing, having the company of more youths. We wanted to tell them about our Lord. We brought a keyboard with us, and installed it outside in the courtyard, and we started to sing to the Lord. There were pretty many people gathered and some of them were listening from afar, being ashamed or afraid that somebody might laugh about them if they would’ve joined. We were very glad for the huge door that was opened for us and we saw how careful they were receiving the Words of Life, they were absorbing everything and were touched. At the end we prayed for each and everyone and gave them books and Bibles, for those who needed. We had a blessed time and the Gospel of Jesus Christ can still be preached there today. This was the 3rd meeting in the open air in that courtyard.

It is a great joy for us when we see that the fields are ready to be cropped…we are glad that

people are still open for the Gospel and we wish to be able to LISTEN to His Voice and hear where He wants to send us, so that we can see His miracles!!!!

Servant of The Lord, Doru Herdean, Totul Pentru Hristos (All for Christ)

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Lungu Lavinia

Lungu Lavinia, born July 19th 1988 in Timişoara, Romania

My name is Lavinia and I’m 22 years old. I live in Timisoara and I’m attending West University of Economics in the third year.
I was raised in an orthodox family, and my parents met God approximately 4 years ago through some personal experiments and decided to get baptized at Maranata Church in Timisoara.
My mother started to ask me to come with her to church, but I wasn’t’t very excited because of the life I was living.
When I entered highschool, as a teenager, I had to make friends and build relationships with my new colleagues, so I started to smoke to be accepted in the group, and probably to look cooler to those around me. I liked to be in the centre of attention. I started experimenting all kinds of „new things”, like clubs in Timisoara, unslept nights, lies after lies and unnatending school.
I started to approach another lifestyle, looking for independence, freedom, love and attention without giving any importance to my parents or to what they had to say. At a certain point it was enough for me to come home to change my clothes and to ask my parents for money, and then I was starting again, meeting them again only the next day.
I was going to parties every weekend and I started to know all kinds of people, enter all kings of entourages, people that influenced me in a negative way, but all these things were giving me that short term fulfillment which I wanted so much.
I started to love money more and more and because I didn’t want to depend on my parents, when I went to college, I started working. After I switched a few jobs ( secretary and saleswoman ) I started working as a waitress in a cafe in town. Being there, I started to be ready to do anything to satisfy my financial needs.
I gave much attention to how I was looking, what tags I had on my clothes, their price had to be high, expensive perfumes and because it mattered to me, the people I had next to me were appreciating me for all I had, everything that met the eye, and they were never interested in what was on the inside.
My life came down to partying, money, fun, shopping at the mall and many vices.
At some point, in the summer of 2009, I found myself alone, with deep feelings for a man that wasn’t’t in my life anymore, a whole bunch of arrears at my college, an almost broken relationship with my parents, being disappointed of everything around me, empty, devastated and without a reason.
I realized that the only solution to my problems was God. I decided to talk with my mother, to tell her all my problems and we both went to one of the pastors from Maranata church for a special prayer.
After that prayer I felt much better, but I didn’t have what it takes to give up everything I was, so I continued to live just like before, only that I started going to church more often.
One Sunday morning, I remember that there was an announcement in the church: they needed volunteers to organize a movie night in the yard. Because I wanted to do something good on this, I registered as a volunteer. There I met Doru and Ronela Herdean, the ones that were organizing that movie night.
Before entering the yard, there was a great fight inside of me, I simply couldn’t’t enter the gate, something inside of me told me not to enter and my mind was stormed with reasons to go back home, then I remembered I promised to stay, because those people needed my help, and finally I got over those thoughts while I was talking to my mother on the phone, who encouraged me to stay.
Me and Ronela exchanged phone numbers and we continued to meet at a group meeting at their home. Continuing to go to those meetings with her, without realizing, I came to a prayer night. I didn’t know what I was doing there, because I didn’t know how to pray, I had a God of holidays, a God that I remembered of only when I needed him to help me with something.
We started to say our reasons to pray and then we started praying one by one.
It was my turn ( I was the last ) and I started talking to God, telling him my pains and how I feel ( after a few seconds Ronela came next to me and put her hand on my back, right behind my heart, and I started feeling a strong warmth, like it was burning my heart ). I was crying and then I confessed that I needed Him and I want not to upset Him anymore, and not to make him cry for my mistake again, I wanted Him to show me the way. I didn’t know exactly what was happening to me, actually, I just gave my life to Jesus for ever!
In that moment, God transformed me completely: the way I was thinking, feeling, acting, it was totally changed. I felt at ease, I left all my burdens that I carried for 21 years at the cross. I was the happiest person, because I found Love, peace, happiness fulfillment that I was looking for. It’s so hard to put in words what I felt then… It was by far the most beautiful moment of my life so far.
I went home late, I don’t know what time was it, but I had to go to work the next day. I didn’t get much sleep because of so much happiness, and at 8AM when I entered the cafe, everything was strange, it was not my place there. I told my colleague that I became a Christian, that I fixed my relationship with God and that I surrender to everything that I make money through; I resigned, and she told me that I have gone mad. All my friends reacted the same, they couldn’t understand what happened to me, they couldn’t understand what wonderful deed God has done in my life.
I was sad because they couldn’t be happy with me. Actually, they were mocking me, but God strengthened me. He blessed me with real friends, many brothers and sisters, a numerous family, the family of the Lord Jesus!
I was baptized on December 13th 2009 and it was a unique moment in my life: I got married to Jesus! I am and I feel the happiest person!

If you are looking for love, happiness or fulfillment, I want to tell you that only in God you can truly find it… anything else it’s for a short term and it leaves you empty. Don’t postpone the moment of you meeting with Jesus, because on this earth we are wanderers, and we don’t know when our journey will end! Don’t miss eternal life for meaningless things! Look for Him! Amen.

Lungu Lavinia, 09.06.2010

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Lavric Sabin

Lavric Sabin (born June 10th, 1983, in Făgăraş, Romania)

I was 7 years old when my parents abandoned me and my little sister. Since then, my life became a living nightmare. We lived 15 days in that house by ourselves. Our neighbors saw that our parents left and never came back, so they took care of us and fed us. Then, they called for an ambulance that would take us to an orphanage for young children. We stood there for one more month before we got transferred to Brasov at another orphanage for bigger children. This way, I was separated from my little sister which I have seen again ( 20 years ago ).At that orphanage in Brasov, I was retained for another 8 months, and then transferred to the orphanage in Victoria. Staying there was a torment for me because we were beaten and mocked. I managed to survive until the age of 12 and then I ran away, ending up in Bucharest. I lived on the streets with a group of homeless people for a year.
We were living off of begging and occasionally working. In the  North Train Station in Bucharest it was a place for the homeless where we would be taking a shower, changing our clothes and eating a hot plate of food. A man name Cristi, who was a psychologist pulled me aside and asked me if I wanted to take some psychology tests, and I accepted. He was that everything was fine and he advised me to go to an oprhanage in a village near Ploiesti. The next day we took off. I was very happy because I was leaving that torment on the street. I got there safely and he showed me around. That orphanage had a gym, locksmith workshop, joinery, bakery, mechanics and chefs. I went to school until I finished middle school, and I did one year of painting-dying school.
God had no part in my life because I wasn’t interested in him. When I was 17, I ran away because I wasn’t tested in during a class. When I arrived home, a teacher asked me what happened, but I was afraid to tell him. The next day I had to go to school, but instead of notebooks I packed clothes in my backpack and ran away. Being back in Brasov, I started again my life on the streets again. There I was involved in many dirty things, until the day I got in trouble with the police. Only then I had realized what I have done and I thought I was not going to get away. In that moment I prayed to God for the first time. He listened to my prayer, and them I got out without knowing how God worked in my favor that day. I went to a quieter neighborhood where I found Leo, a guy that I knew. He told me about Timisoara, where God talked to him and changed his life. I was very impressed wit the way God worked in his life that I decided to go to Timisoara. Here, I was alone, I knew nobody and I had no friends. This thing pushed me into being addicted to alcohol and smoking. After two months, Leo came to Timisoara, and challenged me to personally get to know God. Again, I refused God’s love because I of my stubbornness.
One day, Leo introduced me to a brother from the church, named Doru Herdean. After a few days a man offered me a job in a village 40 kilometers ( 25 miles ) away from Timisoara, where I was told to chop wood, but because I was very tired, I chopped off two of my fingers from my left hand. He didn’t even offer me first aid, so I had to walk all the way back with blood dripping from my hand. I wanted to look for Leo to take me to the hospital, but I only remembered where this man, Doru Herdean was living. It was around 18:30 when I ringed Doru’s doorbell and I asked him to call my friend Leo, but instead, he took me in and we ate together, while his wife, Ronela cleaned my fingers and was binding my wounds. That evening, Doru and Ronela were having a fellowship time with young christian adults at their home. They offered me a place stay, and I stood there for 2-3 weeks. After a few days Leo told Doru that I wanted to have Jesus in my heart but I didn’t know what they were talking about. My wounds healed while I stayed at Doru and Ronela, and then I lived together with Leo at a host in Mosnita for a months.Leo moved to Timisoara and I went on the streets again. There I started drinking and smoking, I totally lost control, I was disappointed and bituminous, I didn’t know where to go, I had no purpose in life and drinking took over my life. Every once in a while I was going to see Leo to ask for money to get back to Brasov, but got ruined my plans. One day, Leo told me that a nurse was looking for me and she really wanted to help me.
Meanwhile Ronela wanted to call Leo, but his phone was with me and I answered. She invited me to dinner together with Leo, and that day I realized that God had a plan for my life. From that day on, I started going to Deo Gloria church, together with Leo, Doru and Ronela. There I was very searched by God deep inside my soul and I couldn’t bear to refuse God’s love again. After two days I told Doru that I accepted Jesus in my heart and that I wanted to get baptized as soon as possible. I had a meeting with Relu Bahnearu, the pastor from Deo Gloria and I told him about my decision, and he was very happy. I was baptized May 9th, 2010 in church Deo Gloria in Timisoara and since then I am happy that God written my name in the Book of Life and took me out of hell for ever. Now I feel how Jesus works in my life every day. Until now, I knew I had no parents, but now, Jesus is my mother and father. I find my pleasure reading the Word of God and in doing his will for my life. I learned to communicate with God through prayer at any given time. I can talk to Him even on the street, or when I am surrounded by people, in the tram or bus, I feel how God shows his plan for my life. Because of Him, I learned how to be nice to others, to give, to talk to others about my Lord and how He has worked in my life. I wish everyone that hear the calling of God not to postpone this calling, but to welcome him in their hearts, for they will receive eternal life. Amen!

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